Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Once upon a time, we thought that on Thanksgiving Day, we would be able to say we are thankful to have Izzie at home. We can't say that, but there are some things to be thankful for, such as . . .

* our caring friends, old and new, that have helped in the search for Izzie, in one way or another

* the support, prayers and well wishes from strangers and friends, for Izzie's safety and that she is returned to us

* the time that we had with Izzie from when she was a tiny puppy until she went missing

* that we have Opus, Izzie's companion, to help us through the difficulty of missing Izzie

* the hope and faith that remains that we will get Izzie back and be able to care for her for the rest of her life

* that Izzie is microchipped!

And thank you so very much, in advance, to the person or people out there that will one day, somehow, help reunite us with Izzie.

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