Monday, January 25, 2010

Where is Izzie?

We are encouraged after receiving two possible sighting reports over the past ten days, the fact that people are still looking for Izzie, and that they know where to call when they see a dog who may be Izzie.

New River Valley Magazine is running this advertisement in the January/February issue.  We continue to follow up on possible sightings, to post and replenish Izzie's posters and business cards and check Craigs List, websites for humane societies, rescue groups and the many Lost/Found groups daily.

If you see a poster which has been removed,  needs replacing or is a good location for poster placement, we appreciate you letting us know.  In addition, we are looking for websites which will provide a link to Izzie's blog.  Izzie could be anywhere and we are always grateful for any and all resources to help spread the word.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year, Izzie

. . .  wherever you are . . .  it's hard to believe that it was only five months, today, since you disappeared. It seems like forever. Every day is like waking up from a bad dream, but the bad dream doesn't end with waking up. It just continues. Going to bed every night, it's still there, that bad dream.

Will we ever wake up from this bad dream?