Monday, March 1, 2010

7 Months

Today marks seven long months since Izzie has been missing. It doesn't get any easier. Craigslist, missing pet and dog adoption websites and area shelters are still being checked. And a sighting call even came in, which understandably has become unusual. It wasn't Izzie, and in fact, it lead us to question some of the older sightings, which may have been this dog.

Actually, this has already happened -- that some of the sightings of Izzie have come into question more recently because perhaps they were, all along, other dogs that were being sighted.

So here are some photos of others dogs for which sighting calls have come in, that we checked out and easily determined that they were not Izzie:


It's even possible that none of the sightings were ever Izzie, given the fact that all sightings were by people that had not met her before she was missing. But in the end, we do believe some of the August sightings, and even some in September, were Izzie.

So, where is she now? If she in fact was running all around the area when there were sightings of her in August and September, has she stayed in the area, survived the snowstorms and is she still hiding out? Or was she, at some point, picked up by someone that gave her a home? If that's the case, did they take her out of the area, and then never have her scanned for a microchip . . . yet?

Will Izzie's story end like so many the we read about, where there's no word for what seems like forever, and then one day, a call comes in from someone saying that they have Izzie and we can come get her?