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This nice guy ("Dexter" for the time being) has been sighted on Meadow Brook Road near Edison Lane on several occassions since August 27th. A nice woman approached him and called us to see if he is a candidate for the dog spotted running with Izzie over the past month. He's an intact male, thirty pounds, boxer mix, camo collar, no tags and it appears he has been living on his own for awhile. Dexter is people and dog friendly and walks on a leash
We searched the roads, culverts, creek and woods nearby looking for traces of Izzie. Two of Izzie's doggy friends were along for the search and didn't react to the area. This area is less than a mile from Wednesday evening's possible sighting.
I have a call into the person to see if the picture matches the dog he sighted with Izzie.
The woman agreed to keep Dexter at her home which is nearby and to allow us to hang out with him with hopes of spotting Izzie.
Izzie, a 10 pound spayed terrier mix, escaped from her caretaker on Givens Lane in Blacksburg, Virginia on the evening of August 1, 2009. She left behind her constant companion, Opus, and her best friend, Bittie.
In the course of an hour, the immediate vicinity was canvassed until nightfall ended the search.
Izzie was sighted in Brookfield Village the day after she went missing. She managed to either cross or follow a culvert under very busy Route 460.
Within 2-3 days she was sighted on several occasions at the Meadow Brook Trailer Court on Meadow Brook Road.
It appears she made friends with one or more dogs who reside within the trailer court and was spotted on three occasions in the area bordered by Glade, Shadow Lake and Meadow Brook Roads traveling with at least one of these dogs, an intact male named Bruce. We contacted Bruce's owner who informed him Animal Control had ordered him to either leash Bruce or keep in inside in accordance with local ordinances.
Two days after Bruce was in lockdown, Izzie was sighted, on two seperate occassions, and appeared to be traveling on her own. Both sightings were in close proximity to each other, one in Heritage Park and one report of her running down the middle of Glade Road. These sightings were on Sunday, August 16th between approximately 10:30am and 2 pm.
Our most recent sighting was on Wednesday, August 26th around 10 pm in the Gateway parking lot (Heritage Park) with a brown dog.
We continue to canvas the area near the most recent sightings while fanning out every day in each direction. Since Izzie has been hanging around the same area for a month, we have no reason to suspect she has wondered too far away.